Home of Dementia

Follow the life of EvilMister, a man so thoroughly wrapped up in his own mind that he can hardly function in an abnormal society, let alone a normal one!

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Lemme Tell Ya About The Time .... #2

A picture, of Poison
Originally uploaded by evilmister.
Or, EvilMister Got No Comfort from Southern Comfort.

This is back in the day, back when EvilMister called himself Jester, and how he wrassled with a 26'er of Southen Comfort and lost.

I had a buddy we called 'Da Keed' 'cuz his dad was this hilarious Polish guy who called his son, well, keeeeeed all the fucking time. Da Keed, me, and Spike (I think that's it, but my memory is kind of hazy, and you'll soon see why) were out for a drive. Da Keed wanted to make out with his girlfriend, who was also there, so we drove to some kind of abandoned railroad area/construction site/place where drunken idiots could easily get hurt. Da Keed thoughtfully pointed out that there was a bottle of Southern Comfort on the floor, and that Spike and I were more than welcome to it, if only we would get the fuck away so he could get some gettin' while the gettin' was hot.

Spike had his own booze, and said he'd prefer to drink his own, on account of SC is poison in a bottle. I said fine, took a swig, and found out the secret of cutting the nasty kick; someone had dissolved a couple of orange lifesavers into the bottle. I was now in possession of what is best described as alcoholic Kool-Aid, and I had no need to share it with anyone.

I don't know about you, but when I was a kid drinkin', I expected immediate results. Over the period of fifteen minutes I finished about half the bottle. I only felt a little wobbly, so I continued to drink, erroneously believing that my weight, height and the lifesavers were all contributing to my immunity.

Holy shit, was I ever fucking wrong. I didn't think a person could be that wrong and live through it to tell a cautionary tale.

Four minutes after my final sip, my good friend Spike had to park me on a big rock because I could no longer walk. I remember trying to tell him I wanted to go home, but couldn't, because my mouth wouldn't work. Gravity became my enemy in a serious way, so I found it necessary, and this is no lie, to hang onto a tree to keep from falling down. Why is this weird? I couldn't use my arms, so I had to bite onto a tree limb. The only thing keeping me conscious was a game I was playing. It was called, Let's See How Many Times I Can Puke In The Same Spot!

Thirteen times, MisterEvil, is the number of times you can puke in one spot!

After that, I didn't have anything left to puke up except vital organs. Da Keed finished humping his girlfriend some time after that, and while I have zero memory of getting home, I must have, somehow, made it into my bed. I don't remember the next morning, or the morning after that.

Never, ever, ever drink an entire bottle of Southern Comfort straight, no matter how good it tastes. Trust me. Huff some Elmer's, do some Whippits, drink paint thinner, but avoid Southern Comfort.

It's the Devil.

Holy Shit, Batman! Lower Mainland is FULL of Cross-Dressing Teenagers

What the Fuck are you lookin' at?

Okay, okay, so it is Halloween, and yeah, dressing up like a chick is pretty much one of the easier costumes you can come up with; alongside the woman, there is also hobo, ghost, and generic monster via make-up.

Today, within five minutes, I saw no less than four guys dressed up like girls. Some of them looked suspiciously comfie in their leather thighboots and miniskirts, Barbie-Doll pink hair and luscious lipstick. I ain't makin' no judgments, especially since gay men and women seriously piss off fundamentalists, and an angry holy roller is just about the funniest thing I can possibly imagine. Especially on Sundays.

But it took one guy in particular to have me in the aisles, laughing my damn fool ass off.

My local Starbucks seems to have a specific hiring policy; again, I make no bones about it, but I wish I'd been told before I wasted a month trying to get a job there. They hire ... bigger ... women and mostly gay men. You might think this is a generlization, but trust me, after months of sitting there, it ain't. One of the new kids they hired is young enough to have his effiminate ways explained off as youth, but goddamn, his costume damn near cost me a lung.

He was wearing a platinum blonde wig with a little pink cowgirl hat. He had some kind of boobies underneath his Starbucks shirt. While he was working industriously at making my coffee (Extra Shot Tall Americano, no room), he was continually poking or otherwise cupping his plastic boobies. Just as I was about to lose it anyways, he looks at me and says, I shit you not, with utter seriousness,

"I could so work in these all the time."

People were staring at me as I laughed, I laughed so hard. Fuckin' Halloween. That shit is priceless.

Saturday, October 30, 2004


Don't you wish you could be one, like me??

Halloween (Samhain, Hall'O'Ween, what the fuck ever you wanna call it) is tomorrow. Whatever the original reasons for the 'holiday' (and EvilMister knows, yes, yesssss), it's now become an almost Hallmark variation on a theme. It's all good, though. I fully dig selling out, commercialization, that whole bag. Fuck them before they fuck you, get in, get out, take as much as you can. Shit yeah. Since it's Halloween, I'm going to drop a small list of my favorite Devils on ya'all.

  1. "Scratch" from the movie Crossroads, 'starring' Ralph Macchio. This guy is my all time favorite incarnation of Evil. First, he's a snappy dresser (the movie's about an aging bluesman trying to keep his soul from the devil with an unimpressive Ralph as sidekick, and all the old-timers in the movie dusted off their own clothes for the movie). Second, he's got style. You can't fake that shit, and although this guy is the devil, you know, you just know he's in it to win it. Finally, and this is key, people, Scratch keeps his promises. He'll take your soul soon as look at you, but if he loses, he don't hold nothin' agin ya, he don't wait by the crossroads to try'n gitcha agin, he jess smiles, tips his hat, and moves on down the road... That, motherfuckers, is style.
  2. The Lord of Darkness" from the movie Legend, with Tom Cruise. This demonic visage plays a second goddamn close to Scratch. He fulfills every Judao-Christian nightmare about what the devil looks like; enormous, bright red, big, big horns (and I mean big), and a tail. He is the quintessential devil, for without him, there can be no good. He is the ultimate tempter, almost swaying Mia Sara to the dark side (she looks unbelievably sexy as a gothic princess).
  3. "John Milton" from The Devil's Advocate, as played by all-time great, Al Pacino. He is a powerful combination of the Lord of Darkness and Scratch. He's got mad game, seducing and mindfucking Kenny Reeve's character every step of the way, manipulating him like a poor puppet but never once forcing him in any direction. Arguably some of the best monologues a la Pacino-Rant style (which should, by the way, become a NY street contest like Spoken Word) I've ever heard or seen.
  4. "Lucifer" from The Prophecy, played by Lord of the Rings mainstay, Viggo Mortenson. This version of the devil is dark and sultry, in response to Virginia Madsen's character. Lucifer is kind of downtrodden in this one, feeling the loss of Paradise most keenly, and you can't help but sympathize with his needs (he wants to stop Gabriel, played by Chris Walken, from starting the final war on Earth, cuz dammit, when that happens, he loses all his Weeble Wobbles).

Of course, these guys are all just doing an homage for me, and I thank them mightily for keeping my name in the papers. Without their undying dilligence, the perfection of their craft, and in some cases, extreme overacting, I wouldn't be alive today. Anyone who wants to make a donation to the EvilMister Fund for Damnation can drop me a line in the usual places. Please note: operators at the seventh and eighth levels of Tarterus are no longer accepting any inbound calls due to a snafu...

Friday, October 29, 2004

EvilMister Interviews HasBeens, Laughs Ass Off At Own Foolishness

I've decided to add a new category. I will be interviewing people (mostly actors), who have or should have vanished off the face of the earth. Obviously, since I am an unemployed retard and don't work for any news agencies and have no contact beyond the voices in my head, there is very little chance of this being real. It's still pretty fucking funny, if only to me.

(applause) EvilMister turns to camera, smiles wide, waves to millions of adoring fans.

EM: Hey, and welcome back to EvilMister's Televised Dementia. Coming up next is Alex Winters, who's only claim to fame is playing one of the gomers in Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure and it's ass-sucking sequel, Bogus Journey. Come on out, Alex!
(applause, slightly confused, with a smattering of embarrassed coughing. Alex Winters comes across the stage, blinking from the haze of lights: he doesn't really know how he got here, but he's game for anything from the grin on his face)

AW: Thanks for having me on the show, Evil.

EM: EvilMister.

AW: Sorry?

EM: You sure are! Ahh, just fucking with you, Alex my man. Tell me, what was it like on the set of Excellent Adventure?

AW: Well, Evil, uh, Mister, it was just great. You know? I mean, it was like, the entire cast and crew were working together to pull off this movie that no one had ever seen before.

EM: Uh-huh, uh-huh, yeah, gotcha. Two fundamentally retarded nobrains get a device that travels through time so they can pass their history test. Riiiiight. Real piece of work. Kurasawa and Fellini were real worried.

AW: It was a great movie! People loved it.

EM: Hey, Alex, ol' china, trust me. I saw the movie a million times. Hey, um, what was the name of that guy starring opposite you ... it's on the tip of my tongue ... uhhhhh ...

AW: Keanu Reeves.

EM: Sorry, didn't catch that ... someone was talking in my head. Who?

AW: Keanu Reeves! Keanu Reeves! Asshole!

EM: Right, right, right. Kenny. Good guy. You know, it's kind of funny, but I seem to recall that he's done, like, a million movies now? Did some kind of sci-fi thing? With robots or AI or something? Got to make out with Carrie Ann Moss? Makes trillions of dollars a movie?

AW: He's done all right for himself. Anyway, let me tell you about this new project I'm working on. It's called Bill and Ted's Sons Have Their Own Excellent Adventure. It's got me in it, of course, and our kids, like, get into this thing where they have to ...

EM: All right? All right for himself? He's been in some of the greatest movies of the 21st century, and it's only been the 21st century for a little while! Shit! No wonder none of the studios wanna hire you! What was the name of that movie you were in with Randy Quaid? The one where he smothers you and some other twat in mutating goo? Damn, that was a fucking awful movie. What was it, Alex, come on, what was the name of the movie. Come on, tell me!

AW: Freaked, you fucking bastard! It was an important statement on comedic sensibilities! It had all kinds of famous people in, asshole! Brooke Shields and Morgan Fairchild were in it!

EM: Uh-huh, and what, uh, did that schlockfuck gross in the box office? Oh, wait! It was direct to video! Damn, Alex, that's gotta suck for you. With Kenny bein' all rich and famous and fucking supermodels and all and you live in ignominy? Man, I'd hate to be you.

AW: You are evil, mister. I'm out of here, fucker! (Alex blinks funny, then fades away into whatever he was dreaming about before he was grabbed for the show)

EM: Whoah! Boys and girls, I bet good old Alex there wishes he actually had a time-traveling phone booth so he could go back and beat the hell out of my good friend, Kenny Reeves! Don't forget, kiddies, you heard it from me first, I am EvilMister!
PS: If anyone has someone, live, dead, real of mythical, that they'd like to see lambasted, let me know!

Ahah! Someone Important Reads My Shit!!!

The two or three of you who read me know that I recently posted a rant about how crappy most scary movies are, about how they lack the creepy vibe that old school flicks possess. I even cited some examples. One of them was "The Fog", by horrror meister incarnate John Carpenter.

The motherfuckers in Hollywood tremble in fear with my mighty powers of observations. Why? They're remaking the movie, that's why. Ol' John, who's spun such notable creep-fests as The Thing and sci-fi send-ups like Escape from New York and iffy flicks like Ghosts of Mars has declined to be in on the deal.

John's reasons for not wanting to get in on the hype? "I have done it once, and I don't want to do it again," Carpenter said. "I did my 'Fog,' and now it's someone else's time. It's very flattering. It's terrific that they want to make it. We have been thinking of doing 'The Fog' over for some time, as maybe a sequel. But now is the season of the remake."
I have my issues with remakes. They are almost never as good as the original, and even more rarely do they exceed the original. (The recent remake of the Punisher, not starring a 'roid-ramped Dolph 'I need someone to wipe my own ass 'cuz my arms are too big' Lundgren, has all the hallmarks of being an aberration.) As I said previously, the original Fog had a lot going for it, not the least of which was Adrienne Barbeaux. Spooky ambience, lots of ... fog ... that sort of thing. I'll bide my wit until I see trailers and ... acquire ... said remake through the usual channels. But I warn you, Hollywood, if it sucks, you'll put another nail in the Remake Coffin, and before you know it, you'll need to come up with something ORIGINAL!

You can find the original news report for The Fog remake here.

Another movie that has fallen into the green light category is "The Blob", which has already been remade once before. In the original, they had an eighty-three year old Steve McQueen playing a teenager, which was laughable then and still is. It wasn't all that scary to me (plum pudding moving around on the screen ain't scary), or to anyone of my generation, but shit, motherfuckas back then must have been squirming in the seats and passing out in the aisles. In the remake, they had Kevin Dillon, who ain't all that great an actor. Better special effects (The Blob pulls some hapless schmo through a drain pipe) and better plot-line (something to do with a satellite falling from space and alien microbes going apeshit in our environment). As far as sequels go, meh.

You can find the original news report for The Blob remake here.

You want to see a good remake? See the 1978 version of "Invasion of the Bodysnatchers". It's got Jeff "I Have Also Saved the Earth With Will Smith" Goldblum, Donald "I'm A Little Bit Jealous Of My Son Keifer's Talent" and Leonard "Why In The Fuck Did I Do Star Trek?". It's scary, especially the ending, when one of our heroes loses. Hah! Fuckin' good ending.

Read my original rant on the lack of horror-cojones here.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

It's All About The Man, Man

In light of the fact that I passed the first round of interviews today to actually work in a community police station, I've decided that I will pattern any and all future policing opportunities after that of William Shatner, aka T.J. Hooker. I figger that I can't fucking fail with a hairstyle like that, or a sincerely kickin' pose of macho-osity. I mean, look at this guy. You can smell the Aqua Velva or the Hai Karate! oozing from every pore.

See, he might be smiling right now, lookin' to get into some lovely lady's panties, but at any second, pow!, he will drop the mother of all kung fu grips on your ass and before you know it, you'll be doin' time in Sing Sing, motherfucker. The only guy who is possibly tougher than Will Shatner is David Hasselhoff, and only on Knight Rider. Fuck that Baywatch shit. Anyone can run on a beach. No one else has ever ridden in an electronic car that has speed flaps and can turbo jump. But still, that's only a pale shadow, the merest reflection, of T.J. Motherfucking Hooker. The only hombre who could touch T.J. Motherfucking Hooker would have to be Shaft, and not the Samuel L. Jackson Shaft, but the real Shaft, Richard Roundtree.

The second round involves one mother of a profile and background check, after which point I will have the equivalent security clearance of the President of the United States. Anyone who has a record should check back with me in a few months, maybe I can, y'know, work something out ...

For those of you out there who think that by my volunteering for the police force I am in some way contradicting my reason for living (that is to say, the general malaise and disgruntlement of mankind through small acts of random frustration) bear this in mind; any dumbass stupid enough to get caught by a shlomo in a bright yellow RCMP vest wearing a whistle around his neck deserves to get caught. I won't even be allowed to wear a gun. And I guarantee, if you can run faster than I can walk, you're gonna get away. (This is why they won't let me have a gun. I am all too willing to shoot first, second and third, get a cup of coffee and then ask questions.)

And if you think that they'll take any gomer with too much spare time on his hands, think again, motherfuckers. I had to watch two solid weeks of CSI on SpikeTV and every episode of Law and Order, Criminal Intent I could lay my hands on to answer those questions properly. I'm not even gonna mention CSI: Miami, CSI: New York, and all the other crime shows I watch like some kind of sociopathic nutbag.

I'm gonna be The Man, man, and then I'm gonna drop some righteous police intervention on your ass...

ps: please check out my Shaft link. It's got a cow in it. ( i scored 13)

The House Party of the Decade, Part One or A Near-Death Accident Won't Stop Teenage Morons from Drinking Themselves Blind.

EvilMister has many, many stories to tell. Some will fall into the general category of "Lemme Tell Ya About The Time ...." and some will get, depending on their length, their very own Category. The House Party is one of them, because it lasted for two goddamned weeks, and had as many mini-dramas as a very special episode of Teen Drunks.

The first installment is more of a prelude to the actual events, because it happened the very night before the party began, and is also a story of EvilMister Cheats Death (I have avoided death a number of times, in highly improbable manners. It'd take a Cray to figure out the odds on the actual factual.)

Back in the day, there were four of us. There was Spike, a dood so out of tune with the fashions that he had a spikey mullet and a leather fanny pack for the longest time. He was our driver, and also the source of our home for the party. There was Wog, and the only way to describe him is as a good natured hippy. He lived in the Coquitlam version of the Projects, and had a Mad Scientist for a brother. There was Supertall, who was also a hippy, but more of the speedmetal kind, and had a brother in the Army. I was calling myself Jester at the time on account of the fact that, when drunk or stoned, I was the funniest motherfucker you could ever hope to find; also, if you were stoned and I wasn't, I'd seriously fuck with your mind and you'd wind up the emergency ward for hysterics.

As I said, Spike was throwing the party 'cuz his parents were going to bugger off to California for two weeks, with the usual parental admonition to not throw a party. Shyeah, right. Dumbasses.

Spike's ride was some kind of hatchback dealie. All four of us were in the car, along with ReddyEddy, a hapless chub we let hang out with us because we were nice guys and always needed a laugh. Being teenagers and convinced of our relative immortality, and because the regular car seats were full, I was laying in the hatchback. It was not a big car, but I was a big kid. We were all pretty hammered, as expected, and listening really loudly to bad music.

Ironically, Bon Jovi's 'Livin' on a Prayer' was playing on the radio. I think it was z95 or some shit like that; we were waiting for the regular crap music to stop so they'd put on the DJ's with some mad house mixes, yo.

It was also raining. We were speeding. We took a corner funny. The corner we took led on to a bridge that crossed over top of a train track. In the middle of the bridge is a meridian, which we hit at sixty miles an hour. Spike is a good driver, even when drunk, and he kept the crapcar from bouncing over it and taking off into the night. Then he kept us from swerving right through the railing. Then we hit the meridian again, and this time, the car FLIPPED OVER.

Remember: I was in the hatchback of this motherfucking Tonka toy. And I tell you now, I swear on all that is important, the car rotated around me.

I know how it sounds. I know the physics of it. I was a big fat kid crammed into a little tight space listening to Bon Jovi rockit on the radio on my back, but when that fucking car flipped over, I was spatially in the same position: my back was now against the window of the hatchback. I was compltely and entirely unhurt in any way, shape, or form. This was my second clue that EvilMister cannot be killed.

We were all of us trapped on the middle of the bridge. Spike managed to get out all fine and dandy, Supertall felt the need to try and punch his way out the window and fractured a few fingers. Wog, being a nimble and flexible little hippy, managed to get out fine and dandy, with ReddyEddy hot on his heels, a la fat kid on a Smartie.

Shock being shock, it took me a good several seconds of yelling my ass off before anyone remembered that there was still a chub in the car, and goddamnit, was that a fucking train motoring down below us? We had avoided the kind of vehicular accident that should only happen in the Southern states by a few feet. Supertall remedied my incarceration by popping the control on the hatchback.

You know in the Flintstones when Fred goes rolling across the floor? It's not an episode specific thing 'cuz he does it so often, but you know what I mean, right? Assholes and elbows spinning through the air?

I did it for real. The moment the hatch popped, all my weight, gravity, and a thoroughly pissed off Avatar For The Proper Functioning Of The Universe had me skittering across the pavement like a Weeble Wobble. (Weebles Wobble but they don't fall down!)

The cops came, statements were made, parents were called, dire warnings and threats were issued. We made peace and said thanks to the Party Gods when Spike's parents, against all common sense and direct contravention of immediate evidence against our intelligence, announced that they were still going to California.

And for the next two weeks minus one day (I had, by that time, developed a low grade fever and had, I'm sure, a blood/alcohol level of near lethal proportions) I was drunk out of my skull.

Episode Two highlights will include but are not limited to:
  1. Drinking does make ugly people pretty
  2. A good reason not to wear a sheepskin rug
  3. Harmless breaking and entering with intent to eat pepperoni
Oh, EvilMister, you're so silly, with your drinking and reckless foolishness!

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Even EvilMister Has His Limits

Even though I am the new face of evil for the 21st century and beyond, there are some things that just should not be.

One of them is porcelain dolls. They're right up there on my list of fucking creepy shit. They sit there and stare at you with perfect stillness, their eyes never blinking, absorbing everything you say and do. They are mute witnesses, and their skin never changes.

It's some kind of Children of the Damned, Children of the Corn thing. I'm not stupid. I know they're dolls, that they're not real. But in the back of my mind, these creepy fucking things are just waiting for me to turn my back, and then it'll be all 'We're coming to get you' and 'Ma-Ma ... Ma-Ma ... Give me your spleen!!!!'. Sure you can collect 'em, sell 'em on EBay, make a shitload of money, but did you ever stop to think that maybe that's what they want? Once they've reached maximum planetary saturation, they will rise up in unholy porcelain life and kill us all. Even EvilMister will be unable to affect this.


Lemme Tell Ya About The Time .... #1b

If you don't know what the fuck is going on with this tale, read here first...

So, there we were, all broken up but trying to maintain a friendship. My reasons were all money oriented, hers were that she thought we'd get back together ... at no point during any conversation did I ever imply that this would happen. In point of fact, I told her that we didn't work as a couple. She seemeed to think that this wasn't entirely true, and while it makes me nasty, five hundred bucks is five hundred bucks.

Our last day, and I mean our last day, in one another's company was July 3rd, 2002. I know this 'cuz Men In Black 2 came out, and we'd decided to go see it, as we both liked the first one.

Little did I know...

She started off early with a riposte about my weight. She told me I looked fat in the pants I was wearing. Ordinarily, this'd bug me about as much as someone saying I have glasses ... I know I'm a big kid. But, I was already in a shitty mood because some creepy weird guy with long fingernails and nicotine stains on his fingers interrupted my morning coffee. My morning coffee is very important. It's one of the few things that keeps me from stabbing people in the neck.

In retaliation, I called her a crazy bitch.

Note to readers: if the person you call crazy flips out in a really big way, it's because they're crazy. Avoid doing so a second time if you want to enjoy your day out.

After doing some running around, we made it to the theater just in time to see the movie. It wasn't good. In fact, it was the opposite of good. For some reason, six months later, I bought the DVD, reasoning to myself that events throughout the day had somehow tarnished my opinion of the on-screen chemistry between Tommy Lee Jones and Will 'How Many Times Can I Save The Earth During My Career?' Smith.

I was wrong.

Now on to the good stuff.

I can't remember why we were in Sears, except to suggest maybe we were cutting through to somewhere else. Nutjob has an almost encyclopedic memory of all the shortcuts that keep her off the streets, and often went out of her way to avoid contact with other people. (I know, I know, I should have heard the warning sirens long ago.) We're walking along, squabbling about how bad the movie was, and I'm enjoying myself because I learned how to enjoy pissing people off from dating her, and I was, like I said, in a mood.

Suddenly she sticks her thumb in her mouth and then takes a swipe at my face with a saliva-coated digit. I bust out a limbo move that woulda' made anyone proud and turn to confront her. (Remember, this in a mall, with all kinds of people around ... this is about to get interesting)

"What," I ask, mildly repulsed but still in control, "in the hell do you think you're doing?"

"You've got a smudge on your face." She sticks her thumb in her mouth again.

"So what?" I look in one of the many mirrors. If it's there, I can't see it.

"You look like a street person." She takes another swipe with her Saliva-Encrusted Thumb +10 of Germ Killing.

I bust out another Ninja Move. "Get the fuck away from me with that fucking thing!" I shout. "I wouldn't let my mother do that when I was a kid, so what the fuck makes you think I'm gonna let you do it now? Shit, this in public! I'll go to the washroom, you crazy bitch!"

(Remember my warning about the second time?)

"You are such an asshole! You look like a fucking slob! Why are you being such an asshole? You fucking pussy (she liked to call me a pussy a lot), it's just spit!" (There are only a few times spit should be exchanged, and dangling from the end of a thumb towards my face in front of the Clinique counter is not one of them)

"Fuck you! Who the fuck do you think you are. If you don't lay the fuck off, I swear to Christ I am out of here. I don't have to put up with this shit, you can go all the fucking way home by yourself!"

"You wanna leave? Fine, you shithead. Just fucking go."

"I will, as soon as you get your fucking cell out of my backpack."

Nutjob gets her cell out of my bag, calls me a fucking pussy again and then kind of stands there, waiting to see if I'm gonna take off or not.

I am the most angry I have ever been in my adult life. I have never had an argument with a women in public before where I've had to shout and scream. I am both embarassed and raging white hot mad at this woman who I used to have feelings for and her complete and utter lack of common sense (arguing in public, really). I do some rapid calculations in my head. "You know what? Fuck the money you owe me. I don't wanna hear from you ever again. I can't put up with this shit. You yell and scream and then act as if nothing is fucking wrong, and that's CRAZY! Fuck this, and fuck you. I am outta here!"

I spun on my heels and was gone like yesterday's news.

A few weeks later I got an email from her asking me if I wanted to go to Playland with her and someone from her work. I told her I didn't like Playland because all the rides go around very fast in circles and if I wanted to puke that much I'd just drink a case of beer by myself. She emailed me back and called me a fucking pussy for not wanting to go, and then asked if we could go out to dinner.

I didn't return that email. Or the next ten. I eventually had to let one of my email accounts lapse, which sucks, 'cuz it was one I used a lot.

And that's it for the first installment of 'Lemme Tell Ya About The Time....'

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Lemme Tell Ya About The Time .... #1a

I've had some weird thoughts in my time, and one of the oddest of them all was that men and women can remain friends after they've broken up. In my time, I've only managed to do it once, and while it was a long and arduous process, it was well worth the effort.

That one time.

The last time I tried it I was driven by fiscal motives; the crazy woman, who we'll call, oh say, Nutjob, owed me five hundred bucks. I figgered, what the hell, we can put up with Nutjob until I get my simoleans back and then, like the Road Runner, I am outta there.

We broke up because she turned out to be crazy insane. Not like 'eating banana peel' crazy, or 'hopelessly addicted to soap opera' crazy, but honest, genuine, balls to the walls, shrieking from the rooftop, rocking in the corner crazy. I put up with insane demands (like, if I was home from work first, I should have the lights down low and have Oprah on the teevee so she could just sit down and watch), frequent 'what is that noise, do you hear that noise, what is that noise', incessant 'I have problems I don't want to talk about with you, but I am most definitely going to blame you later on'. All usual shit, you know? In for a penny, in for a pound, unless that pound turns out to be a pound of crazy.

Was it the fact that she bought me an awesome jacket for Christmas and then borrowed money from me to put on her Visa? (My buddy ChubbyMonk pointed out to me months later that I had, in fact, bought my own Xmas gifts.) Was it that I loaned her money to have her nails done at one of the most ludicrously expensive nail salons in the entire world? (They serve champagne there while you're having it done). Was it that she went ballistic Def Con One when I used her backscrubber to briskly scrub the shaved bits of hair from my freshly mown skull, thereby ruining it in the process? Or, maybe it was the time I confused 'fuzzy' slippers with 'furry' slippers, and the argument that followed lasted two weeks? (I still don't know what the fuck the difference is, and I don't give a shit.)

No, folks, it was when she made me break my own cardinal rule: EvilMister, no matter how mad he gets, shall not ever raise his voice or his fist in anger at the ones he loves.

Nutjob likes to yell, scream and throw things when she gets mad. I have been called some of the most heinous things a man can ever be called by the one who 'loves' him. Now, I don't take shit lying down, but I also know that, if the cops come, the big, red-faced man who has a voice that can knock down walls will be the first one to get tazered, so I keep myself calm. It was arguing all day and night, and then waking up in the morning as if nothing had happened or been said that drove the nail in the coffin; when I call a woman 'a crazy cocksucking bitch' and 'the stupidest woman in the world', I expect that, when morning comes, we're going to have a rational discussion concerning what happened.

Not once. Never. It was 'you asshole' and 'cunt' and all those wonderful, spiteful things you can imagine two people call one another and then it was 'pass the butter, lover' in the space of 24 hrs.

I am masochistic. I am sadistic. I am mean, nasty, arrogant and aggressive (I'm also a sweetheart, but only to friends or people who can give me stuff). But I don't put up with crazy bitches pretending they didn't imply that I'd rather fuck animals. (After all the yelling and the not having sex because I liked to do things she didn't and had problems with that, I was getting pretty goddamned close, let me tell you!)

I'll continue later on, with the time Nutjob and I had our last and best fight in the perfume section of the Sears in Pacific Center Mall.....

And here it is!! Lemme Tell Ya About The Time .... #1b

Monday, October 25, 2004

EvilMister Encounters a Stink So Bad, He Almost Finds Religion

I don't know how it happened, I don't want to know. Before this day, October 25th, 2004, I have smelled things that made me reconsider my basic principles on life and liberty. I've smelled garbage left in the sun for two weeks. I've inhaled the odor of rotted meat. I've walked across a beach where all kinds of fish all of a sudden decided they could breathe air and found that they were wrong.

Today was different.

Today I worked side by side with Mr. Stinky.

I doubt I'll ever get the stink out of my mind. It's seared in there like it was branded onto my brain. A giant "MS" burn mark runs ragged across my olfactory nerves and into the memory centers of my brain. Imagine the smell of ass. This is ass that has sweated freely, but ass that has been contained in some kind of leather/rubber ass-trapping underoos. Now imagine B.O. Not normal B.O., but the rank musk of a Sasquatch-like mojombo who's only just that morning shaved his all over body hair and gone into work. I could go on, but I gotta tell ya, I can't stop the shivering. I need to take a bath in tomato juice.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

EvilMister Sees Saw, Sees Signs of Spookiness

Against all expectations and a previous post on the lack of nut-itude that many horror movies seem to possess, SAW goes that extra mile and creates a truly horrific scenario. How important is your life? Have you wasted it? Taken it for granted? What if the only way for you to come out ahead, with your head, was to take someone elses?

What's the deal? Why did it mess with me jes' a lil' bit?

Some nutbag called the Jigsaw Killer by the ever-greedy media sticks people in rooms of death. They are always left a way out. The way either involves great risk to their own personal lives, or to someone else who is stuck in the room with them. Cary Elwes does one helluva job, and I suppose the other dude does too, only I've never seen him before. Danny Glover has a small role in the film as well, though the majority of the film involves Cary and the other guy in their DeathTrap. I dug it. I figgered out the ending before time was up, and I suspect that most people would, but that doesn't weaken the film at all. The death trap scenarios each person is put through (all of them but the primary one are covered in a series of flashbacks as related by Cary Elwes, who was once a suspect for the Jigsaw Killer) are highly reminscent of those in Seven. Each one is crafted for a specific person, designed to have maximum impact on their will to live. 'member that scene in Seven where Brad is talking to the guy who fucked that hooker with the stainless steel bladed uber-dildo? Thousand bucks says that if something like that really happened, the guy doing the banging would be one fucked up hombre for the rest of his life. We're talking a pound of lithium a day to keep him from going bananas. (And of course, let us not forget, that a person's limits are never discovered through intentional actions, only through mistakes and events that are so far out our own purview that we could not see them coming ... who's to say that, even though it is horrific and ultimately evil, such a thing might not be secretly enjoyable? This is the way that serial killers and maniacs are created. Dahmer didn't set out to be a necro, after all. I don't condone this kind of behavior, preferring to generate massive doses of irritation that spread throughout a population, but I can see the other side of the fence. It's just over there. My coffee cup's resting on it.)

It pointedly asks a very simple question that I've always asked :

What would you do to survive?

As this movie does in fact resurrect the creepiness of two of my all-time faves (Seven and Silence of the Lambs) I'm going to drop a big fat 8.5 on this flick. Not a ten, 'cuz I guessed the ending and that kind of sucks.

Oh, yeah, I also checked out The Grudge, starring Buffy the Vampire Slayer. As in the end of her televised show, she should've stayed dead. It ain't Sam Raimi's fault that Hollywood seems intent on refilming every single scary movie made by the Japanese (Grudge is a shabby remake of Ju-On, The Ring is a schlocky Ringu). It's Hollywood's fault for failing to produce quality on their own. You wanna see a good scary movie? See The Eye, or Jian Gui as it should be known. Kind of a Sixth Sense deal, but way, way spooky. There's this scene, in an elevator, with the girl, and this dead guy keeps floating closer and closer ... shit. Motherfucker had me watching through my fingers. I'd say that roughly ninety percent of all remakes should be seen in original language for proper effect.

As for something you should see? Check out Mr. Frost, starring Jeff Goldblum. He plays a guy who may or may not be the Devil. It's suspensful, not buckets-of-blood. Makes you think right 'til the end. He does a good job. Not as good as me, mind ya, but what the fuck, guy's gotta get paid ... right?

Dammitall, I am surrounded by Retards

Well, the weekend has rolled around, and as promised, more enlightening character assassinations are up on the block. But before I do so, I feel I've gotta say somethin'; though I make fun of this collection of gomers, retards, and habitual dog-fuckers, they mostly know how to do their jobs. And so what if the job isn't complicated, and could easily be done by well-trained chimpanzees or especially chatty orangutans? Until we get over our misplaced fears of a Planet of the Apes-like scenario, we'll be stuck hauling dangerous shit from one place to the other. (EvilMister now has a hole in his hand, cuts across most of his fingers, three bruises on one shin, a gouge taken out of one ankle and a series of callouses that have replaced other ... callouses on my hands.)

The first new guy is Mr Stinky, nee Gordon. The Stinkmeister is a nice guy. He works really fuckin' hard at his job. Shit you not. He's ready, willing, and able to get right in there and throw his back into lifting up a two-ton trailer if need be. He's friendly, and since he likes CSI, he's all right by me. Unfortunately, as you might've surmised from his monniker, he stinky. Come off it, Evil, you're saying, we've all smelled stinky people before. How bad can it be, really. I'd swear on a stack of bibles if my hands wouldn't burn off that he is, without a doubt, the smelliest human being I've ever come across. I've been in locker rooms. I've been at the gym. I've been downtown where Woolworth's used to be. I've been in the rooms of hippies who don't believe in deodorant and I've, sadly, wallowed in my own vomit. All of those things have got the Big Stink Seal of Nasal Damage written all over them, but goddamit, this motherfucker brought tears to my eyes in seconds. It's the pervasive kind of odor you get when you wear the same kind of clothes all the time, eat lots of garlic and drink all kinds of weirdness, lock yourself into a hyperbaric chamber and stew in your own juices until morning. It doesn't go away. And since we work in an environment that demands a lot of physical activity, it actually gets worse. I swear to christ it'd make someone with no sense of smell ask what the fuck was burning his nasal passages. But Monsieur Stinky works hard, so he's okey-dokey.

Next is Hoody with a Habit. His real name is Zack. I have a catfish named Zack, and the similarities between Hoody and the bottom-feeding fish are funny. Hoody with a Habit is, for lack of a better word, sketchy. He's got the attendant twitchiness, facial ticks, slurs, weird walk, and vernacular of a dood who's got a Jones. The first day he came in to work was at noon some time last week; the Guys in Hardhats expect anyone they call in to stick around for an eight hour shift. This makes utter and total sense to me. Hoody likes to wear his headphones while 'working', operating under the illusion that he will be totally safe in a work environment where people are balancing 300 lbs of wall unit on one corner and bombing down an aisle no wider than the one Indiana Jones walked across in Indy III. Hoody spends most of his time looking for a place to sit down. He sat down on counters, on clothing racks, piles of wobbly pallets and once, even the floor. Each of the times he was ass-sittin' (don't get me wrong, EvilMister likes his ass to sit whenever and wherever possible), he was doing so in front of one of the Guys. Quittin' time rolls around, me and some of the other Retards (Look at that Sexy Bitch and Gomer with Ass Outside of Pants) are waiting for the bus to take us out of Purgatory when Hoody shows up. Hoody doesn't want to work an eight hour shift his first day because it's too late in the evening. I was for sure convinced that Hoody had fucked himself out of work, but he showed up again on the Monday, during which time I learned that he, like Fucktard with Hat, is a Victim of Global Conspiracy. The Phone Company, The Cable Company, indeed, the entire Canadian Government is out to get him. Oh, Hoody with a Habit, donchaknow that's just yer Jones talkin?

Third is Ancient Chinese Secret, aka Jonas. As you may've guessed, Jonas is Asian. It's not some kind of opposite nickname like callin' a fat guy Slim or a short little monkey Stretch. He's Asian, and I'm not bein' disrespectful. Jonas might not be able to speak English very well (in point of fact, it's even hard to understand his broken English, and I worked at Starbucks for 5 years, where I learned that shrr ratuh is short latte) but he understands every fuckin' thing going on there. Point to a shelf, tell him you want it put together, and goddamnit if it ain't put together. He, like Stinky, is a go-to-guy, putting his time in with actual results. We don't know where ACS got his shit together, but I gotta say, he's one awesome motherfucker. I'd take him over any of the regular Retards.

Next is the Old Codgers from Manpower. This is more of a primary grouping than an individual. There is Stoic Motherfucker, who is old and as far as I can tell, as cranky as a person can get without actually having a crank in his ass. I've heard him say three words the whole time I'm around. I think he's an android, but since I'm kind of afraid he'll drop a KungFu grip on me, I'll avoid his silent ass. There's The Leninist, who looks exactly like someone from a Commie-Pinko terrorist cell should look, from his thin metal framed glasses to his ever-durable second hand Spetsnaz workboots. He also doesn't like to work too hard, and has been known to vanish like my good intentions after a few rum and cokes. The Leninist has many good ideas on how to do stuff, and is more than willing to give you pointers on how to do them, and he also pushes a pallet jack everywhere. Sometimes it even has stuff on it. I can't forget SaltandPepper, a guy who, from a conversation I overheard in the lunch room one day, has been all over Europe more than once. Don't know much about SaltandPepper except for that, but I do think it's fucking hilarious that a guy so well traveled (if, indeed, he is) finds himself stuck working with a bunch of Retards and making sub-par wages.

That's all for the Retards and the Codgers. Now on to other employees of the place where I am 'working'.

The only one I'm gonna mention is Sexy Chick from Cosmetics, and for all the reasons you think. She's young, she's blonde, she's got tattoos. And, for some reason, is perfectly all right with being in earshot of some of the comments that only Look at that Sexy Bitch and MiniSpaniard can come up with. Let me tell you, there is no one more creative than two kids that're higher than kites and under the age of 22. Sexy Chick is very pretty, but not really my type; I only mention her because she checked me out. Why is that important, you ask? Well, 1) I can count the number of times I've been ogled on one hand with three fingers cut off, 2) I was gross, stinky, and covered in sweat and drywall dust. How do I know I was being 'checked out'? Ah. 1) I was checking her out, 2) She walked by me, looked me up from head to toe, smiled and said 'see ya later' and smiled, 3) I am single and incredibly horny, and as a result I tend to think any woman looking at me for more than three seconds is giving me the green 'go'. Since our initial meeting, she witnessed me seconds after my Amazing Assplant, and has asked me how my back is more than once. I won't crassify our encounters any more than that, but if she even gave me a wink, you'd be seeing my behavior on security footage uploaded to Limewire faster than Paris Hilton can say 'are you sure that camera's off?'

And now, for the story you've all been waiting for........

EvilMister's Amazing and Prolonged Ass-Plant, complete with Aluminum Ladder Almost Killing Him

I might've mentioned it before, but I'll cover this again. The place I'm working in right now has had an entire additional store built around the one that currently exists, both on the first and second floors. For some reason I can't fathom, the second floor was done first. All of the new fixtures (and there are enough of them to furnish a major department store, which translates into something like a trillion pounds of wood and chrome, all designed to hit you on the most unprotected parts of your body like laser-guided smartbombs) were loaded onto the second floor. All. Of. Them. Naturally, this means that sooner or later, as the first floor area is completed, at least half the shit we hauled up has to get hauled back down. Yeehaw.

We were told to move some shelves. Now, in direct opposition to the entire design scheme of the rest of the fixtures, the shelves we were to move downstairs were not a) mysteriously top heavy, b) possessed, c) intent on drawing blood, or d ) just plain awkward to manipulate.

They were just really high. Fifteen or so feet tall. After consulting Norad, NASA and the ThinkTank at MIT, we got the answer; we were gonna have to use one of the useless four wheeled carpet dollies that, like the pushcarts at Safeway, all have one demented wheel intent on making a run for the border. That's fine. No sweat. It did take eight of us to keep it on the crafty little fucker, and to make it over and around the various hurdles in our way (Bluehaired Bargainhunters and Painfully Gay Menswear Employees) and over to the freight elevator.

Don't forget, EvilMister is not a spring chicken. In point of fact, he could be considered a slightly less overweight George Costanza with more hair. The muscles in my legs, back, arms, chest and head started to protest midway through the venture, but dammitall, I refused to be shown up by a bunch of gomers who refuse to wear belts, who comment on the titties of every woman he sees and who complain about how God is out to get him (HE is, Fucktard, just you wait). Downstairs proves to be vastly more complicated.

The uncarpeted, untiled floor is littered with drywall dust and sawdust; the offal from Dusty Drywallers and Maniacal Carpenters. I am in charge of steering, which means I am walking backwards, gripping the shelving unit. I can't really see where I'm going, and so must trust Mr Stinky and Oldie. The carpet dolly doesn't really like the spoor of contractors, and as soon as the front wheels cross over from tiles to flat concrete covered with dust particles, they lock up quicker than a priest during interrogation.

I haven't fallen yet. Having encountered this already, the answer is to lift and hold in traditional weightlifter position until Oldie can move the dolly into a more appropriate place. The sides of the shelves are very smooth and also covered in a thin layer of dust. My muscles, soft from habitual disuse, are protesting. The floor is slippier than an Entertainment Lawyer's client list and my legs think it's time to

Rather than fall right over, I lurch to a semi-stand in a desperate effort to relieve myself of energy once expended into keeping the shelves in place that is now rocketing through my displaced center of gravity. My arms are windmilling around like I'm tryin' to take flight, I'm lurching around like a drunk who's been pepper sprayed until finally gravity gains the upper hand; all the force I'm trying to get rid of shoots right to my ass and Boom!! EvilMister hits the ground like I've been kayoed by that ballet dancer from Roadhouse.

Not to be outshone, by arms continue to spin around, whacking an aluminum ladder right beside me. I lurch to get out of the way, but my legs hit the side of the ladder as it's comin' down, actually causing it to land no less than three inches from my head. I bruised the hell out of my tailbone.

The pain and indignity of losing my balance and damned near killing myself was nicely ameliorated by Sexy Chick from Cosmetics asking me if I was all right, which is why I have included her in my list.

That's it for now!

Thursday, October 21, 2004

EvilMister Tries to Write, is Inexplicably Hit on Head with Writer's Block.

You know how it is. You sit here, you think something up that you wanna say, and then you try and say it. In your head, it's the fucking Gutenberg Bible (sadly, not written by Steve), but on the page or on the screen, it's like an exceptionally awful outtake from ALF. Shit, you might even go so far as to find a funny or intriguing pic to upload, and wind up wasting half an hour trying to find just the right one.

So what do you do? Post shit? Pretend it's funny, even though you've developed a bleeding ulcer and a tumor on account of it's atrocious nature? Hell no! My audience, and in my head, there are hundreds of you, deserves more! They deserve the straight shit, penetrating exposes (pronounced ex-po-zays ... I'm way too fucking lazy to drop an accent ague or what-the-fuck-ever) of character foibles in people I meet, biting and acerbic comments on the general state of disrepair of this planet! Also, I got distracted by the pictures and lost my motherfucking mojo.

I had the whole piece set. It was about Japanese Street Fashion. It was awesome. But, as I read it, I saw that my prose kept waffling between the shit above and honest-to-goodness journalistic reporting! WTF?? I can't spend the time to actual report on anything. I'm way too fuckin busy waiting for Half-Life 2 to come out to be intelligent and incisive.

So now I'm gonna go, and when I come back, I'll ensure that we all have a little slice of EvilMister's growing dementia to settle into.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

EvilMister Meets New Forms of Life, Wants to Kill Everyone Who Looks At Him Funny

Well, I am still hauling shit from point A to point B, although I am now no longer under the direct command of Guys In Hardhats. I am now, nominally, ordered around by a five foot tall man with a San Franciscan accent. (what does that mean? think about it for a moment ... what species of man seems to populate San Fran more than anyother ....?) We'll call him Mighty Mouse, on account of the fact that he's everywhere. He's a driven man, and his department is Menswear. The jobs he gives me are both easy and amazingly frustrating; he will say 'move clothing racks from here to there', and then, ten minutes later, he'll say 'lift this solid oak table onto your back and walk down the aisle backwards.' I swear to Christ that when I'm done this job, I'll be like Ed Norton in Fight Club. From Cookie Dough to Jack's Invigorated Abdomen!

All the fixtures that are on the second floor are the same, with the exception of those belonging to Jewelry and Cosmetics. This means that Mens, Womens, Lingerie, Shoes, Torture Devices, and Gomorrah's Diarama are all fighting for the same fixtures. They have maps, and diagrams, that show where everything is s'posed to go, and how much of it's s'posed to go there. All last week, I took this shit off trucks, hauled it up freight elevators, navigating my way around the other Retards, Spastic Contractors, Deliberate Time-Wasters and Bluehair Bargainhunters, and piled it into one or two spots.

Following Mighty Mouse's orders, me and another dood move things called 'hang folders'. These were not designed for clothes, though that is the use they are being put to; they are, in all reality, three hundred pound slabs of pressed particle board that can, will, and have toppled over at the drop of a hat. They're like wooden lemmings.

In the grand scheme of things, Mighty Mouse's direct opposite, the woman in charge of Womens, is named Joy.

Let me tell you something.

She is not joyful. She is the antithesis of joy. She is the absence of all things bearing happiness. If the position of Evil wasn't already filled by yours truly, she'd fill in without missing a beat.

She hates me. I am used to people not liking me. I am loud, my voice carries through airplane manufacturing plants and has been known to make small children cry uncontrollably until I am out of range. My sense of humor is not for everyone, generally involving boobies, zombies, complete with liberal lacings of 'fuck', 'shit', 'asswipe' and/or 'cockmonkey'. As I am a Retard who Cannot Keep a Job, I've toned my natural persona down (at greatest personal risk). She hasn't heard anything inappropriate coming out of my cakehole.

And yet, dear readers, I am somehow the Harbinger of Doom. I am the reason table legs fall off, why crappy castors either roll in one direction or no directions, why delivery trucks are late, why Mighty Mouse has somehow managed to claim all the 'good' fixtures. She gives me a dirty look every time she sees me, and I am, at last count, 6' tall and 250 lbs. Tack on the voice, and dammit, people in Paraguay know where I am. I get dirty looks every ten minutes. This pisses me right the fuck off, but again, I am a Retard, so I chew my tongue and hold my demonic rage.

I hate her. Just yesterday, Vinnie (the dood who has a job) and I moved a mountain of nine million pound pieces of wood wrapped up in plastic and metal to where Mighty Mouse told us. It took a lo-o-o-o-ong time, and by the end of it, I was more out of breath than Jake Steed after a day of filming. AntiJoy comes up with her blueprint, looks at it, asks why we're putting things where we are as if we snuck over to Womens and stole them in the middle of the night. She looks at me with this look of utter accusation; since I am older than Vinnie and also a Retard, I am somehow to blame, most likely because I have been dropping a commando version of the Vulcan Mindmeld on this kid all day, every day, and he is at my beck and fucking call. We straight up tell her Mighty Mouse told us to haul that crap, and again, the look says 'you're a lying motherfucker, but I'm going to let this slide for now, but you fuck with me again, and I will boil your balls in soup and call it Tastee Tots.' She walks away, clearly plotting my demise. What she doesn't know is I've already charted hers up using three-dimensional graphs and a fucking slide rule. Soon as the moon is in alignment, she'd better avoid Hardware, or it'll be Maximum Overdrive, and Emilio Estevez won't save her bitch ass, 'cuz he's busy being a has-been.


Also, tomorrow or the next day, I will let you know about Mr Stinky, Hoody with a Habit, Ancient Chinese Secret, The Old Codgers from Manpower and the Sexy Chick from Cosmetics (there are many sexy chicks, but this one is special)

And also as well, I will cover EvilMister's Amazing and Prolonged Ass-Plant, complete with Narrowly Having His Head Staved In By An Aluminum Ladder.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Scary Movies? Not these days.

Now, I may have mentioned this before, but let me state again, for the record, that I like scary movies. Movies with zombies are my absolute, all time favorite, but I can sink my teeth into vampire flicks (hah hah) and my hackles have been known to rise for the occasional werewolf movie. New scary movies are all well and good, don't get me wrong. They rock, but they just aren't as good as the olden time horror flicks.

This is not heresy. This is actual factual, fuckers. The straight shit. Movies today (all genres, not just horror) suffer from a preponderance of movie dollars and are weak in overall plot and character development. It's all about opening weekends, blockbuster actors, merchandise tie-ins, spin-offs, franchise the shit out of every friggin' movie out there. Back in the day, it wasn't like that at all. No, no my friends. Directors and actors were forced to rely on on-screen performances and inherently creepy shit to get the job done, instead of I-fucking-LM cgi that shit to hell and gone. CGI is awesome, don't get me wrong. I myself have been known to turn my crafty hand at the trade, for my own personal amusement, but vital pieces of good scary movie-ness have fallen by the wayside as we've begun to adopt CGI as a cinematic mainstay instead of a costly and carefully considered option when all else fails. Most of today's horror movies rely on shocking visual effects rather than psychological torture. From Heather O'Rourke falling through the ceiling with Craig 'Don't Call me Coach' Nelson amidst a pile of otherworldly pink goo to The Creeper pulling his own damned head off to replace it with one he just ate, we find ourselves more and more inured to that sort of stuff. What about Brad Pitt being handed his own wife's head in a box? What about Jodie Foster being mind-fucked by Sir Anthony Hopkins? Those movies left my skin crawling for days.

Take Demon Seed, from 1977, for example. The first time I saw this, I was a kid. (We had HBO and Cinemax and some other shit like that, and they paid no fucking attention to when they showed shit back then.) It's a freaky film about computers gone completely mental. In this one, a computer goes apeshit and decides it wants to impregnante a woman (hence the title, Demon Seed). There is a scene towards the end, the wonky AI has cobbled together some kind of machinery to force it's creator's wife into impregnation. It uses a pair of scissors to methodically cut away said hapless wife's skirt up. Scary fucking shit.

Or how about Coma, from 1978? Mike Douglas, in one of his non-penis or ass showing flicks, gets caught up with Genevieve Bujold in an absolutely fucked-up story involving healthy patients winding up in inexplicable comas. They get shipped off to some place somewhere (it's a little slow, so I'm kinda hazy on particulars) where some kind of experiments are performed on them. There's a scene where what appears to be hundreds of coma-afflicted patients are hanging from cheap Ikea knock-off ceiling-mounted shelving units. Very unnverving, and the growing sense of frustration and paranoia as Genevieve tries to prove she's not mental is pretty effective.

If people falling unconscious as an insidious plot doesn't chill your blood, there's always Rosemary's Baby. We all know about this one. It's become a prototypical element for dozens of Hell/Antichrist movies since it's inception in 1968. This one is also slow, but very cool, because the mother is convinced that her unborn son is the fucking antichrist, and no one believes her. This is on account of the fact that entire apartment building where her and her husband lives is in on the thing. We get to watch Mia Farrow go completely bugnuts , and just when we think that she actually is only bananas, we see the kid's creepy demon eyes. Booooyah! (Whether she'll admit it or not, Charlize Theron's performance in The Devil's Advocate had to have been influenced by Mia's dementia)

Then, of course, there's The Fog, written and directed by John Carpenter. It's one motherfucking scary ass, clench your hands in terror, cover your eyes up and peek through the cracks movie. I saw this one only once, when I was a babe in swaddling clothes. The only thing that I remember from this charming flick is the sound of big metal coins rolling on the floor every time one of the stupid townsfolk got their heads chopped off by whatever was coming out of the fog. It's also got Adrienne Barbeaux in it. The sound of decapitations in this movie has stuck with me to this day, and whenever I imagine cutting someone's head off, that is the sound I hear.

So, in short, while I am perpetually incapable of turning down a chance to see a scary movie in the theater (Exorcist: The Beginning, a movie so plagued with troubles that the one in theaters is not the one originally shot all the way to completion, and The Forgotten, an extended and limp-dick rip-off of a stolen first season X-Files episode are two notable examples), 21st century horror movies simply do not have the nuts they once did. There are good scary movies out there, but in the Rogers/Blockbuster Combine Consortium Genre Labeling System, these horror films are now classified as Suspense movies. Which is fine by me, 'cuz where I live, I can grab a copy of The Dead Zone starring ever creepy Chris Walken, turn around to pick up Return of the Living Dead Part III and make my way home for a night of murderous intentions. Granted, my choice in movie rentals generally forces the teenager renting me the movies to keep more than arm's reach away, but fuck that little fucker. If he's not careful, I'll poke him in the eye with my video rental card.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Hail, Hail, The Damned Gang's All Here!

As promised, here is the lowdown on the geeksquad I've got working with me. (I am well aware that, as a goober tied into the whole temp agency thing, I also qualify as a geek, but fuck that shit: I am evilmister, and I ain't no geek. Fuckers.)

First, lemme explain the deal. I'm working as low man on the totem, hauling stuff off trucks and taking them to the second level of a major clothing/appliance/knickknack ripoff store; the store itself is undergoing major renovations. While still being open to the public. Yes. Hordes of bluehairs toddle through the store on walkers, gocarts, oxygen masks and whatever else old people need to get mobile while guys like me are roaming the aisles, lugging a thousand pounds worth of countertops on a pallet jack. Them: 52 lbs with walker. Me: 1250 lbs with pallet jack and counters. Which do you think is easier to move out of the way, and which do you think is more destructive to the walls, freshly tiled floors, and newly carpeted merchandise aisles? I am personally responsible for the destruction of no less than two dozen tiles at a hundred bucks a pop and I can count at least four holes I've gouged into new drywall because these old fuckers can't move fast enough to save their lives. It's like they want to die. The job itself is actually pretty fun, considering I've spent the last decade or so fucking around at countertops, dealing with gomers who've got no fucking clue what they want, and are under some sort of Evil Jedi mindfuck because they think that if they yell louder, I will give them what they want. So yeah, I dig being a low-paid chump hauling shit around, because it's got the instant gratification of being able to point to 400 square feet of floor filled with shit that I personally carried around.

So that's the scoop, more or less. Store's open, people are laying tiles, laying carpeting, putting up drywall, installing cabinets and selling over-priced murch to bluehairs and people with more money than sense.

As to the cast and crew, I'll start with the main men: The Guys in Hard Hats. There are three of them. First, and almost always around, is Round Hal. His name is Hal, and he's round. He's also only about five and a half feet tall. He's the go-between for us, The Retards Who Can't Keep Jobs, the truck drivers, and the folks in charge of specific departments in the chain. He is supposed to have a map of the layout, with indications as to where everything goes, maps of what everything looks like, and where to find it all. He doesn't have the map on him all the time. He doesn't have the diagrams of the individual units either. He basically points to an empty spot and says "Put stuff there." We do so, until the Spastic Contractors get their collective panties in bunches and we are forced to move said stuff somewhere else. This happens between three and five times a day. Next comes Bill. Bill is almost never around, but is the one who is actually in charge. He is also supposed to possess maps and diagrams, and is also a go-between. When he is around, he assists in the off loading of trucks, which is quite nice. But, he is almost never there, hiding, I suspect from the eighty-three million people who want to ask him questions, as he also seems to be in charge of everything that is actually happening every minute of the day. I personally know that he has stayed late every night to move shit around, which is commendible, if not grounds for immediate psychiatric evaluation. Last is Jack, who I surmise is the capo di tutti capo. I've seen him three times, and each time, it's like I'm seeing some kind of specter. He sticks around long enough to make me feel like I should be doing something else, and then leaves. None of them are around long enough to tell us what to do for more than 2 or 3 hours at a shake. When you are dealing with The Retards, this is kind of dangerous: unsupervised, we will sit around swapping bullshit stories and ogling the female employees to the point of harassment. These are my bosses, and I can't really fault them for not sticking around. They have a lot more to deal with than a bunch of Retards. They are building an entire store, for chrissakes, around a store that is still open.

The first in the Retard Squad is Oldie. I call him Oldie because well, he's old, coming close to mid-fifties if his gray hair and wrinkles are any indication; if it was legal, I'd cut him open through the middle and count his rings. Brian is always early. I shit you not. I show up at quarter to the hour to settle in, and this old fucker is already working. Since he is employed by a temp agency, I am forced to state that he is an alcoholic murderer who can't keep from drinking and killing, which is why he can't hold on to a job. His work ethics are that good. He avoids the rest of The Retards by eating his lunch in his car. I wish I had a car to hide in.

Next up is MiniSpaniard. As you guessed, he's short, he's Spanish and he's one baaaaaaaad motherf-Shut Your Mouth. Not a bad guy, all in all, willing to work, do his shit, and be amiable about it. He has done time, and he's only in his early twenties, and is undoubtedly working as a Retard because of his criminal record, which probably isn't that bad of a record. Probably only possession with intent to sell, if his mysteriously glassy red eyes after prolonged bathroom breaks are any indication of his ... habits. I like MiniSpaniard. He's OK in my book, but if the Man comes looking for the Dealer, I will kick his punk ass to the ground and claim my reward.

Then there's "Look at that Sexy bitch!" He has no concept of decorum. Granted, he's a Retard like the rest of us, but even a twitter-pated gomer should be able to realize that in a crowded shopping mall, you don't shout shit at the top of your lungs, especially if it's "Look at those tits!" or "I never liked Sushi before, but slide me some a' that raw tuna! You see her ass, dude?". It is especially hilarious in the lunch room, because it is full of magazines like World Weekly Star, Style, People, Life and any other magazine that shows chicks like Paris Hilton, The Olsen Twins and Lindsay Lohan in various styles of undress. The comments range from 'She's a dirty skank whore, but I'd for sure fuck her in the ass' to 'This sexy bitch would suck it out of my rod like there was no tomorrow'. This is in the lunch room, which has other people eating lunch. The place we're working has a large number of female employees. 'Nuff said? He also has done small time, and also suffers from mysterious doses of red-eye. I also like this guy, on account of he's on his way to becoming an EvilMister clone.

Next up is Young Gomer with Ass Outside of Pants. He's maybe four and a half years old, if the soft headed look he has is any pointer to his age. I haven't seen him do much but look utterly confused and lost, and sometimes afraid, like he's maybe forgotten to take his rage suppressant pills. He hardly ever talks, but this is probably just to hide the fact that he has a third grade vocabulary. Sadly, I don't know much about Young Gomer, except for his allergies to work and fear of anything resembling exertion. As such, I can't really say if I like him or not, and I especially can't make too much fun of him. Oh yeah, I forgot. He really does let his pants ride his ass. I can't figure out how he's managed not to kill himself on the worksite yet, cuz with his Stanfield Plaids showing, the hem of his pantlegs are somewhere around the tips of his shoes. It's amazing, and if Roy doesn't make it back to showbiz, I'm certain Siegfried'll find a replacement.

My absolute favorite is Fucktard with Hat. Fucktard is, without a doubt, every employer's nightmare. He's a tub of goo (so'm I, but hey, kiss my ass. You want to read me being insulted, check elsewhere) who alternates between furious bursts of utter outrage at the slapdashery of the assignment to weird stories of girlfriend/fiancee and her cat. He is also a master at foremanship, and can tell any one of us who pauses for more than two seconds exactly how the job should have been set up. This also makes him an expert in architecture (designing the building), a mastercraftsman (designing the counters and other utilities we are offloading, specifically in terms of durability and lightness), a god at shipping and receiving (coordinating the shipping of merchandise from back East to our location to avoid anything and everything that could possibly inconvenience him) and a Grandmaster of employee relations (keeping everyone from killing him stone cold dead). It is hard for me to understand why he's working in a temp agency, he's so skilled. He has told me stories about getting in the face of employers, about the office cunt who manipulated an entire office full of people into getting him fired, about the guy on the shift before him who never did anything and made it look like he was in the wrong. It's quite a litany, and in all of them, he is never, ever, never wrong. The best time was when, with two hours left on our shift, he told us he remembered exactly where Round Hal wanted us to put the counters we were offloading, and that was what we did. An hour into the offloading, Round Hal showed up and told us that we were putting them in the wrong spot. Under his breath, Fucktard told me that he was only getting 9.50$ an hour and shouldn't be expected to know where anything goes. Come on, Fucktard! If yer gonna step up and try to take the reigns, admit when you've fucked everyone in the ass. We spent another forty-five minutes moving everything to where it belonged, and then were made to feel like Retards Magna Cum Laude because we didn't stay late to finish unloading. Hey, I may be a Retard, but I'm no sucker. I later found out that Look at that Sexy Bitch told Round Hal that it was all Fucktard's fault. Yay, Look!

The Spastic Contractors can be broken into a three distinct sub-groups. There are the Tempermental Carpet-Layers, who really take carpeting too seriously. As they spend most of the time on their knees, crawling around and inhaling the fumes from potentially poisonous carpet glue, I can't blame them from being a little hacked off when Look at that Sexy Bitch uses a pallet jack as a scooter across freshly laid carpet (he does this on the tiles only, now, because of the better speed). Next on the block are the Oblivious Electricians. They are found in two states; carrying ladders around and looking significantly at random spots on ceilings, walls, floors and drywall columns, or standing on the ladders, poking their fingers into snarls of wiring and muttering about covalences and other arcane shit. Since the Oblivious Electricians take up little space and don't get in our way, it's really hard to piss one of them off, although allowing a pallet jack full of odd-sized pallets to grab hold of a) a ladder, b) the extension cord, or c) their tools is one motherfuck of a good way to do it. Finally are the Cranky Drywallers. They are cranky for a fuckload of reasons. As most of us know, drywall is the least durable substance on the planet. You can stick your fingers through it if you try hard enough. With the deadly combination of the Retards and their fucked-up pallet jacks, the Tempermental Carpet-Layers, and the non-threatening Carpenters moving shit all over everywhere and digging massive gouges out of freshly hung drywall, they have no hope of ever finishing their job. Especially when they read their own blueprints wrong and have to take down walls they've only just put up. That shit is fuckin' funny to me, which is why I'll probably remain a Retard forever.

I gave the Mentally Unstable Tilers their own grouping, because they are the unhappiest group of people I've ever met next to my parents, who blame me for everything from the Black Plague to starving children. Their job is not a happy one. They can only tile before carpet is laid, because it's a fundamentally messy job. Since this is the case, they cannot protect the edges of tiles. This is ceramic tile, which, if anyone knows, can and will shatter like potato chips if given half a chance, and when the Retards are trying to ram a pallet jack carrying a thousand pound load over the small difference between concrete floor and tiles, you can only expect the obvious. The only thing harder than tiling is untiling, cuz then you run the risk of breaking other tiles. Needless to say, they hate the Retards, who are responsible for at least 90% of the broken tiles. There was also an incident involving Fucktard with Hat and a pallet jack, which I will cover now: equipmet like pallet jacks, dollies, and tools designed to make lives easier are very much in demand. They will disappear quicker than a bag of M&M's near a fat kid. Consequently, at least two of the Retards are permanently on the look-out for this kind of shit. Fucktard found an unused pallet jack, purportedly asked a number of different people if it was theirs, and allegedly got told 'take it' every time. We loaded this fucker up good and proper. with something like 3000 lbs of uber-heavy shit that took us a good half-hour to manhandle into place so it wouldn't fall off and squash a bluehair bargain hunter. At the freight elevator, five Mentally Unstable Tilers show up, demanding the return of their pallet jack. I wasn't paying any attention of this, 'cuz I was playing with the freight elevator buttons and closed the doors right on their faces, which made me some kind of hero; I looked like King Cock in a Cockfight. Upstairs, the Tilers had somehow managed to warp time and space to get ahead of us, telling us once again the pallet jack was theirs. I had the feeling they wanted us to drop our shit right there in Men's shoes so they could move their own shit. All this time, Fucktard is ragging on about how he asked everyone in sight if he could use it, which is about as likely as men landing on the sun. The lead Tiler has decided that I am the ringleader of this merry band of Retards on account of my wicked burn with the freight doors, and looks like he really wants to hit me with something, but I persevere stoically. Five of the Retards are now lugging this monster of counters through the aisles (Oldie is downstairs, happy as a clam and busy as a beaver) with a Mentally Unstable Tiler escort, arguing loudly over ownership of a pallet jack clearly emblazoned with the name of the company I work for on the sides. The Mentally Unstable Tilers followed us all the way across the second floor to make sure, I guess, that we didn't, oh, I don't know, run off with the fucking thing. A pallet jack in itself weighs at least five hundred pounds, is made of solid metal, and is about as ergonimically designed as those eighty-thousand pound television sets from the 70's. Fucktard has continued on with his rant of deflection, adding on the fact that he is only paid $9.50 an hour, and shouldn't have to deal with this kind of fucking shit, if these fuckers could get their act together, then his life would be so much easier. Or, if he was in charge, things would've never gotten this way in the first place.

And that, so far, is my life!!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Heads Up!

For those of you who follow the exploits of my steadily growing dementia, I will do a good post on the weekend. I will chronicle the exploits of my new workmates who have also joined the Express Personnel camp: Fucktard with Hat, Young Gomer with Ass Outside of Pants, MiniSpaniard, "Look at that sexy bitch", and Oldie. The cast and crew of my life also includes The Guys in Hardhats (our bosses who're s'posed to tell us where shit goes), the Spastic Contractors and the Mentally Unstable Tilers. Sadly, none of them are musical groups, but real live people.

'Til then, superfriends:


Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I am become Jehannum, Destroyer of Prime-Time Television

It is a very fair and accurate statement to say that I watch television. A lot of it. This increases exponentially the longer I am unemployed, but it is a fact that, even when working, I watch a lot of television. Some people drink, some people smoke a little stikky ikky. Hell, some people drill holes in the skulls of other people to get a little rec-time in before dropping some zzz's. I watch the toob.

I dig the usual fare, of course, but I am a whore of Babylon when it comes to new programming. I love that shit. I eat it up with a spoon.

Awhile back, though, I noticed something.

If I make a point of watching a new show, it vanishes off the face of the earth.

What's my proof??

There are more, of course, but these are the ones in the last year. I could go back, explain that I and I alone am repsonsible for the cancellation of such witty gems as The Family Guy (although it's coming Ba-a-a-a-a-a-a-ack!!) and Futurama, but that is a guilt and shame I carry with me all day long. I ask that you refrain from hatemail, because I'm already wearing a horesehair t-shirt and I flagellate myself frequently.

What don't I watch?? Reality television. What has spawned like virii across the universe, plaguing mankind and destroying the world? Reality Television. I won't be taking any bullets for the team, though. Not on your fucking life. That shit is fucking evil on a level that I can't even handle. I've seen good friends fall by the wayside, sucked into the world of out-of-work actors hamming it up on Muchmore Music, idiots swapping their wives for shits and giggles, and, let us not forget the show 'let's completely remodel your entire body with enough fucking plastic surgery for an entire squad of supermodels'. I won't do it. Man has unleashed poison on the world, and I revel in it!!!